Kate Cassidy



Click here for my resume.


After graduating from Drexel Hill School of the Holy Child and Marple Newtown Senior High School, I pursued higher education at Saint Joseph's University. My teaching certification was earned through the graduate program at Eastern University, and my Masters was awarded by the University of Pennsylvania in 2018.


Saint joseph's university

philadelphia, pa

Bachelor of Arts in English, 2002

Presidential Scholarship

Class of 1988 Scholarship

Study Abroad, University College Cork, Ireland


Eastern University_200px.png

eastern university

saint david's, pa

Graduate Level Certification in Special Education (PK-12) and Elementary Education (K-6), 2005

Recipient of the Federal ACT Grant


university of pennsylvania

graduate school of education

philadelphia, pa

Master of Science in Education, 2018

Pennsylvania State Certification for School Administration/Principal (PK-12)

PennGSE Departmental Scholarship

School District of Philadelphia Harold E. Kohn Teacher Scholarship



Relevant Experience


Special Education Instructional Case Manager (current position)

School district of philadelphia learning network 1

Dean of Students

Lewis c. cassidy academics plus

Principal Intern

Martha Washington academics plus  

  • Streamline data collection and reporting of behavioral and disciplinary issues with the creation of a computer-based protocol for data monitoring and tracking.

  • Organize and provide data to support decision making in the RTII process for student support, as well as develop a framework and guidelines to assist the school community in collecting data to support the RTII process.

  • Mentor and support a new teacher through a collegial coaching process, providing timely and actionable feedback. Develop action goals in collaboration with mentee designed to increase competence in areas of the Danielson Framework

  • Serve as the school liaison for the EH-21 disciplinary process and act as representative for Martha Washington at disciplinary hearings at district headquarters.

  • Act as principal designee on occasions when Principal is out of the building

  • Conduct Professional Development seminars in Math in collaboration with school’s Math Lead

  • Serve as PVAAS Liaison, ensuring that all students and teachers are accurately represented in the state database. Coordinate resolution of data discrepancies. Provide professional development to teachers in support of PVAAS.

  • Conduct behavioral observations and provide suggestions and feedback for the development of student Positive Behavior Support Plans, and assist teachers in developing Positive Behavior Support Plans

  • QBS Behavioral Safety Certified Trainer; certified to train school staff in behavioral safety and restraint techniques.


Special Education Liaison/Compliance Monitor

Lewis C. Cassidy Academics Plus

Martha Washington Academics plus

Penrose Elementary

  • Monitor file and document compliance for school Special Education population of over 100 students.

  • Communicate changes in special education regulations and document expectations to school staff and ensure understanding and implementation.

  • Act as school representative and coordinate legal meetings with the Office of General Counsel.

  • Facilitate interagency meetings, deal with transportation issues, and ensure all related services are being provided. Coordinate and communicate with all Related Service providers and departments.

  • Worked as a member of the CSAP/RTII teams to assess and develop intervention plans for at-risk students. Coordinate all initial referrals and oversee the initial evaluation process.

  • Ensure all special education issues and concerns are addressed as a member of the school wide Leadership Team.

  • Coordinate testing accommodations and oversee the standardized test process for all special education students for the PSSA, PASA, and district assessments.


Special Education Teacher

Martha Washington Academics Plus

Pollock Elementary

Penrose Elementary

  • Learning Support Teacher for Kindergarten through Grade Eight at Martha Washington School

  • Sought professional development and outside funding sources to bring a computer coding program to Martha Washington Elementary

  • Collaborated with Middle Years Team on training and implementation of the Blended Learning Program at Martha Washington

  • Taught Autistic Support at Penrose Elementary, Pollock School, and School District of Philadelphia ESY Program

  • Advocated and planned for a highly inclusive program at Penrose Elementary, placing 60% of students in my Autistic Support class into the regular education and learning support environments for academics.

  • Life Skills Support Teacher at Penrose Elementary


Teacher of Students with Autism

Brennen School at the Delaware Autism Program

  • Leader of Kindergarten collaborative teaching team, ensured effective delivery of Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Behavioral Planning, and Psychological Services to students.

  • Integrated the Verbal Behavior Approach to teaching with the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), FloorTime Therapy, and other research-based methods to teaching students with Autism.





As a Cushing's Disease survivor, it is important to me that I give back to the Cushing's community that has supported me throughout my journey. I am proud to be a member and volunteer for The Empowering People with Invisible Chronic Illness (EPIC) Foundation, sitting on the Foundation's Advocacy Committee.

The EPIC Foundation is a 501C3 Nonprofit Organization devoted to empowering people who live with chronic illnesses- providing support, advocacy and tools to patients and caregivers. Unique among nonprofit support organizations, EPIC embraces the mind, body, and spirit. By focusing on the impact of trauma and loss, vital issues commonly ignored while treating chronic illness, EPIC lives its mission to "provide emotional support, advocacy, and tools to empower chronically ill patients and caregivers to thrive". 

For more information on The EPIC Foundation's mission and services, or to learn more about Cushing's Disease and the invisible chronic illnesses supported by EPIC, visit their website or facebook page.


Additional Skills and Qualifications

Professional skills

Certified Safety-Care Behavioral Safety Trainer

  • Certified to train school staff in Safety-Care procedures.

Athletic coaching

Assistant Coach, Martha Washington Boys Basketball  

  • 2013 Philadelphia Southern Regional Middle School Champions

Assistant Coach, Sacred Heart CYO Girls JV Basketball

Director, Bailey Park Girls Basketball League

Assistant Director, Bailey Park Girls Basketball League

Assistant Coach, Sacred Heart CYO Girls JV Volleyball

extracurricular advising

Computer Coding Club

  • Participated in the University of California at Berkeley's Beauty and Joy of Coding Professional Development Program

Comic Book Club

Reading Olympics

Martha Washington Eagles Yearbook